How to decipher the study of management or MBA at any institute

How to decipher the study of management or MBA at any institute

Any two people look at the degree offered at the top management colleges in Bangalore differently. A person with a mathematics background will define this degree at the best management colleges in Karnataka as a logical process. While a psychologist treats it as an art to understand human behavior and modify it suitably. While neither of these definitions is wrong, the study of management covers a whole lot more. Management is not only a science but also an art that makes the career of a professional. People who look at one aspect of it usually miss the point by miles.

Management as science

A study of science as anyone knows is a systematic study of organized knowledge that is based on concrete yet fallible principles and findings that are capable of verification. Thus a study of management and its various branches at any of the best management colleges in Karnataka may be defined as a study of a science subject. The curriculum followed at any of the top management colleges in Bangalore is based on facts, figures, and the application of well-tested principles and methods to get a job done. The courses are developed scientifically and consist of universally applicable principles which is the basic characteristic of any science subject as well.


Management as an art

The art field specifies a way of doing things indicating an objective that needs to be achieved. Thus, it becomes necessary for an art student to gain the know-how of the various methods to achieve the desired and concrete results. Any graduate at any of the top management colleges in Bangalore needs to use the skills and know-how of the subject. They are tested through a series of grueling coursework and assignments, practicals, industrial visits, and more on this knowledge offered at the best management colleges in Karnataka. This application aims to achieve concrete results while managing the risk of failure which is inherent to an arts subject.


Management as a profession

Some also define a degree from the best management colleges in Karnataka or the top management colleges in Bangalore as simply a profession. A profession is simply an occupation that has specialized skills and knowledge honed via training and experience. The success of a profession is measured not in terms of the money one earns. The use of these skills is not for self-satisfaction but the larger interest of society. The management degree fits this definition perfectly as it is an expert body of knowledge that needs specialized skills and helps society or the organization become better.


Conclusion: Management is Arts or Science?

A degree from the top management colleges in Bangalore is a science as one can experiment on the various factors constantly while varying a particular variable at a time. One may also repeat the experiment many times to obtain tangible proof of the validity of their experiment. A degree from the best management colleges in Karnataka is also an art as it encroaches upon the human element. Humans are not standardized subjects or robots who will perform the same function but with varying results.



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